Some Nihilistic Wisdom :)

Thanks, Azama. (and Nietszche, I guess.)

“Close your eyes and think on your greatest success. Perhaps you found love or perhaps you achieved a goal you were striving towards. In the grand scheme of things, your greatest success is as insignificant as your greatest failure, and by extension: you. Remember that as you go about your day and remind yourself of how intrinsically worthless you are.”

“Think for a while with that little mind of yours of what matters in the grand scheme of things. Is it love, conviction, or leaving behind a legacy? If you believe in such things, I’m sure you also think a little thing like kindness matters as well. How very quaint. In truth, this world is an endless cycle of pointless suffering caused by desire. There will always be those want. Some want to be great. Some want to be powerful. Some want to love and be loved. What they all fail to recognize is that wanting is the very root of all earthly unpleasantness. It keeps us distracted, tethered to the things that make us unhappy. You probably want to cut those tethers now and free yourself, don’t you? Well unfortunately for you, that very desire is counterproductive. You are just as doomed to unhappiness as every who has come before you and will come long after your corpse is buried and forgotten.”

(I believe Absurdism is a better and more thought-provoking philosophy than Existentialism or Nihilism. It’s probably the most satisfying thought of philosophy I’ve ever come across, in the realm of existentialism, at least. By no means am I nihilist – I just muse in its concepts :p )

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