My University Experience: Courses

It’s time I start reflecting on what happened each semester and what I learned from it! I am – after much hesitation – on my first semester of MAcc and am looking back on my previous semesters.

Semesters arranged via difficulty: 3A > 4B > MAcc Term 1 > 3B = 2B > 4A > 1B > 2A > 1A

MAcc Term 1 is currently tentative.

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The Road to Healthy Skin: Fighting Acne & Eczema 2.0

Ever since returning to Canada, my facial skin transformed back into this crusty dry eczema-prone thing again. It’s probably because the air here is SO DRY – like I can feel my whole face & body itch the moment I step out of a hot shower (which is something that people suffering from eczema shouldn’t do, but I really just love having a hot ass shower so much lmao).

I tried the Bioderma Sensibio Tolerance+, which is supposed to increase your skin’s sensitivity threshold by using god-knows-what patented technology; but unfortunately a week after using it I kinda got another case of cystic warzone on my face. I don’t care too much about these breakouts now as I did before, though. And besides, I’m not even sure if it’s directly the cause of my cystic breakout, it could be a hormonal thing or an immune system thing again (since I have internal health problems too – yeah I’m an evolutionary genetic mess).

Anyways, the products that receive the gold-standard from me:

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The Road to Healthy Skin: Fighting Severe Eczema, Cystic Acne, and Scars

Everyone who’s seen me in 2016 and 2017 know what’s been up with my skin. Absolutely horrifying – it was basically a pizza face; only that the pepperonis had a bigger surface area than my actual face. As my Tita liked to say, “it wasn’t a face that grew out pimples; it was pimples that grew out a face (translated).”

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A Love Letter to the X-Men

The X-Men will always hold a special place in my heart. I grew up watching X-Men Evolution, and then the 90’s Animated Series, and read many of the 90’s comic books online. All in all, I’ve been an X-Men fanatic for as long as I can remember. But they weren’t just for entertainment purposes. Like many X-fans, I related to a lot of their struggles. The X-Men seemed to be the most human team of superheroes there are – and they’re mutants! Up until now, I consider the 90’s X-Men run by Jim Lee to be my personal favourite and perhaps that’s why I’m so into the whole blue/yellow and blue/orange aesthetic (and 8-year old’s aesthetic, I know!).

While most people look up to a higher being, family, friends, or the like when facing some sort of tribulation or adversity, I usually look up to the X-Men (sounds cheesy, but it’s true). I would just watch clips on YouTube or pick up a comic book compilation my brother gave me whenever I have an anxiety attack, or some sort. Along with the help and unconditional support my family and friends have given me, that’s how I got through my years in university. Those who are friends me in university KNOW that I spend so many hours procrastinating watching X-Men videos, haha.

Anyways, below are a list of my beloved X-Men characters, and a sort of tribute as to why I love them:

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A Settlement of Blood

As much as I have expected – or more to be honest – my 6-month stint and taste of my homeland has taught me a lot of life lessons. A lot of people may call it ‘soul-searching’, but I’d rather not call it that way, mostly because these life lessons are comprised of the good, the bad, and the harsh truths that I’ve come to realize during my stay:

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Some Nihilistic Wisdom :)

Thanks, Azama. (and Nietszche, I guess.)

“Close your eyes and think on your greatest success. Perhaps you found love or perhaps you achieved a goal you were striving towards. In the grand scheme of things, your greatest success is as insignificant as your greatest failure, and by extension: you. Remember that as you go about your day and remind yourself of how intrinsically worthless you are.”

“Think for a while with that little mind of yours of what matters in the grand scheme of things. Is it love, conviction, or leaving behind a legacy? If you believe in such things, I’m sure you also think a little thing like kindness matters as well. How very quaint. In truth, this world is an endless cycle of pointless suffering caused by desire. There will always be those want. Some want to be great. Some want to be powerful. Some want to love and be loved. What they all fail to recognize is that wanting is the very root of all earthly unpleasantness. It keeps us distracted, tethered to the things that make us unhappy. You probably want to cut those tethers now and free yourself, don’t you? Well unfortunately for you, that very desire is counterproductive. You are just as doomed to unhappiness as every who has come before you and will come long after your corpse is buried and forgotten.”

(I believe Absurdism is a better and more thought-provoking philosophy than Existentialism or Nihilism. It’s probably the most satisfying thought of philosophy I’ve ever come across, in the realm of existentialism, at least. By no means am I nihilist – I just muse in its concepts :p )

The Beauty of Studying Philosophy: Prologue

“It’s all just a bunch of theoretical bullshit.”

I’m not here by any means to defend the subject, or to judge and criticize those who mock it and misunderstand it’s core points – I’m simply here to talk about how, and why, it’s been able to help me throughout my university ‘career’.

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The Milennial Generation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Disclaimer: This is an opinionated topic, using subjective evidence from my own experiences and inferences.

Milennials are notorious for being the “self-entitled kids” from the older generations. And they’re not exactly wrong.

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